TAKE A CLOSER LOOK! / Water Sports in Ancient Times and the Lost Continent of Mu

Water Sports in Ancient Times and the Lost Continent of Mu

Water has always been a source of interest throughout human history. Furthermore, water sports culture has been a journey that has shaped people's connection with the sea and water for centuries. Since ancient times, the sea and water have piqued people's interest, and the desire to explore has resulted in the emergence and development of water sports. The desire for speed by using the sea power, to dance on the waves, and to discover treasures underwater is reflected in the written histories of civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.


Thermal baths and pools, just like the Olympic Games in Greece in the eighth century BC, became a part of daily life during the Roman period. Exercising while swimming in thermal baths, as well as the benefits of relaxation and healing offered by the water, became a part of life. Swimming and fishing in the Nile River have been the nutritional source in Egypt.

Water sports enabled people in ancient times to improve their physical and mental health through water interaction, laying the foundation for a water sports culture that would last for centuries.

Have you ever wondered about the relationship between water sports and the mysterious world of Mu, the Lost Continent?

The Lost Continent of Mu, like Atlantis in the late nineteenth century, has survived to the present day as a lost continent theory. Some argue that the continent of Mu existed in the Pacific Ocean and had a high level of civilization before being submerged by floods or natural disasters.

The continent of Mu is today depicted as the center of a civilization connected to the sea. They are known as a society that lived near the sea and placed a high value on seafaring and water-related activities. Water sports continue to exist as a cultural expression reflecting people's relationship with water and the power of the sea, although the distinct lines of the water sports culture living in the waters of the Lost Continent of Mu cannot be reached.

For the ancient Mu, the sea was more than beyond the ocean. Underwater, water sports had a unique meaning and ritual. Water sports such as diving, speed races, and sea rituals are said to have been part of life on the Mu continent. According to these theories, water sports originated on the continent of Mu and were practiced for specific purposes. According to some mythological stories, the people of the Mu continent interacted with sea creatures.

Perhaps the ancient Mu people saw water sports as a meditative experience. Considering the healing and calming power of water, it doesn't seem like a far-fetched idea. Unfortunately, the exact facts of the Mu Continent are still a mystery. Yet it also opens a door for us to better understand the impact of water on humans and the mystery of the Mu Continent.

The relationship between water sports and ancient times reflects the origins of humanity's deep interest in water, whereas today's water sports culture and connection with the sea reflect the human fascination with nature and the search for adventure. Lujo's passion for nature and adventure is also a part of this culture, offering its guests the opportunity to discover all the unique experiences of marine life in the field of water sports such as Sea Bob, Jetski, Flyboard, Paddle Board, Parasailing, and Catamaran.

The extraordinary world of water will always charm us, and water sports will continue to be a part of this eccentric world.

Please visit our water sports page to learn more about the secrets of the sea and the human connection with water, water sports culture and to have a completely different experience.
